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TPM 方法

上传作者: 匿名 资料类别: 其他类别
资料格式: 幻灯片 下载次数: 3384
更新时间: 2006-07-14 12:33:11
所需C币: 6C币/年 (备注:包年会员不需C币)
It is the average duration in minutes during which the machine or the installation functioned without any stoppages.

The stoppages are:

- machine breakdowns

- breakdowns related to tools

- breakdowns related to the product

- stoppages for change-overs (used or broken)

- stoppages for frequent adjustments

- stoppages for inspection (SPC sampling)

- stoppages for maintenance Stoppages for tool change-overs are not taken into account

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